Today was Sunday. I got dressed then went to church. Then went to a tea party and this is the story beginning.
This is all the things I liked at the tea party. And the tea party was at the Vintage House.
This is all the people who were at the tea party.
And I got drawed for a prize.
This is my second favorite picture.
The cake was good.
And that was my day.
Princess Cupcake! It was great seeing you today and spending time with you. You were definitely the prettiest girl at the Tea Party today. Can’t wait to see you on Tuesday <3
Princess Cupcake. Thank you for coming to our Tea Party. You were the prettiest blogger at the party. So happy you won a door prize and that it was PINK! I love you. I also love your profile picture. Happy blogging.
Princess Cupcake ~ You had a FUN Sunday! Thank you for coming to our Tea Party. I’m so happy you WON a Vera Bradley Doorprize too! I look forward to reading your blog! xoxo